District platform Arrenberg v1.8.2

General information about your district platform

Wordpress Version: 6.1.7

Admins of the district platform Arrenberg

The neighbourhood platform is hosted by the following persons and associations. If you have any questions or problems, please contact us.

Installed plugins

Advanced Custom Fields PRO

Customize WordPress with powerful, professional and intuitive fields.

Version 6.1.7 This plugin is active

Arrenberg Farm Wetter

Gutenberg Blocks für das Arrenberg Wetter

Version 1.0 This plugin is active

Blocks für den Aufbruch

Version 0.2 This plugin is active

Disable REST API

Disable the use of the REST API on your website to anonymous users. You can optionally enable select endpoints if you wish. Now with support for User Roles!

Version 1.8 This plugin is active


Dieses Plugin stellt die Schnittstelle zu den Quartiersdisplays.

Version 0.0.7 This plugin is active


Compact, easy-to-use and privacy-compliant stats plugin for WordPress.

Version 1.8.4 This plugin is active

Stop Spammers

Secure your WordPress sites and stop spam dead in its tracks. Designed to secure your website immediately.

Version 2024.7 This plugin is active

Ultimate Member

The easiest way to create powerful online communities and beautiful user profiles with WordPress

Version 2.8.6 This plugin is active


Beginner friendly WordPress contact form plugin. Use our Drag & Drop form builder to create your WordPress forms.

Version This plugin is active

WP Statistics

Get website traffic insights with GDPR/CCPA compliant, privacy-friendly analytics. Includes visitor data, stunning graphs, and no data sharing.

Version 14.10 This plugin is active

Feedback on the district platform

Share your feedback or suggestions about the district platform. Is something not working? Or do you have ideas for developing it further?

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